WANT Coffey's proven strategies and systems to grow from 0 listeners to a Top 5 Album on iTunes as an independent artist?
Reserve Record Label In A Box Right Now For Only $497 ($8,376 Value) and get LIFETIME access to The Geneius Ad-vantage ($1,997 Value) for FREE!
$297 Today then $297 in 30 Days
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By clicking above, you expressly acknowledge and agree that we (or our third-party processor) are authorized to charge you on a monthly or annual basis (depending on your subscription) for your membership (in addition to any applicable taxes and other charges) and to authorize Billy Gene Is Marketing, LLC. to text and email you about their products and services (you’ll have the option to easily unsubscribe at any time). This purchase is subject to our Terms of EnrollmentTerms of Service and Privacy PolicySMS Policy and Liability Disclaimer.  We Respect Your Privacy & Information. If you're not happy with our trainings, you can simply cancel any time before your billing period ends. All payments are NON-REFUNDABLE.

No Refunds. No Promises. No Guarantees.
  • ​Branding, Sales, and Live Show Processes for Big Wins ($997 Value) - He'll give you the exact elevator pitch and sales process he uses to book shows anywhere. Plus you'll get a detailed look on how to strategically run live show days to make the most money and gain the most followers. 
  • Distribution Is King - Artwork, Uploading and Worldwide Distribution Channels ($1,997 Value) - He'll equip you on how to even the playing field, be in the back pocket of everyone, and build multiple streams of income by distributing music digitally.
  • Youtube TrapDoor Sales System ($497 Value) - He'll show you the exact tools to use, what to say, and what to do to make a successful YouTube video. Plus he includes his very own case study and YouTube templates so you can use them for yourself!
  • Facebook Sales HACKER ($497 Value) - He'll give you what to write on your Facebook posts to make people stop and read, the 5 steps on how to go Facebook Live (the right way), and a way you can market music for free daily.
  • The Ultimate Music Video Hacks - Music Video Setup, Gear, and Filming Tutorials ($397 Value) - He'll show you what you need to set up the perfect music video that won't break the bank (but will look like you did!)
  • The Expert Secrets for Reality Singing Shows ($997 Value) - Looking to get you or your client on one of the big reality TV shows? He'll show you how to separate yourself from everyone else, the songs you should be singing, and even the contact info of who you should be reaching out to.
  • The Music Mogul Facebook Group (PRICELESS!!) - Network with other artists and marketers in his private group!
  • ​Turn $9.99 into $150 ($997 Value)  - He'll show you how to turn one stream of income into many!
bonus 1 (PRICELESS)
4-weeks of live Q&A SESSIONS with coffey
What if you're feeling stuck? Starting on Wednesday, October 7th, Coffey will be hosting 4-weeks of LIVE Q&A video calls where you can join in and ask him any questions you have. As you saw on the training, he's not one to hold back anything and is a completely open book!
bonus ($1,997 VALUE)
LIFETIME* ACCESS TO the geneius ad-vantage
  • Access to our Ad Builder specifically designed to help you create and launch winning advertisements... FAST and on your own time!
  • Monthly Build-An-Ad Workshops - where Billy & our team blocks off the day to help you build a new Facebook, Instagram, or YouTube Ad LIVE, from start to finish, to get more customers!
  • Weekly Fix-Your-Ad Trainings - where Billy selects real ads from our members and helps them identify what improvements need to be made for maximum profitability.
  • ​Every day, you'll have exclusive access to our private Facebook Group that provides ongoing support from our internal staff and a community of like-minded entrepreneurs. Remember, you are the average of the 5 people you hang out with the most - so, why not hang out with the world's most "GENEIUS" (and most up-to-date) marketers?
  • Our growing library of of 100+ tested or approved ad copy, headlines, images, and even the targeting responsible for generating hundreds of thousands of dollars in revenue for countless industries.
  • Drag and drop lead capture templates we've used to help businesses drastically drive down their cost per lead to as low as $1.
  • Our searchable database of advertising campaign breakdowns Billy has recorded over the past 3-4 years (Ex: Need to get dentist leads? Search “dentist” and watch the recordings of Billy reviewing and make recommendations to real ad campaigns... then apply it to your own ad.)
  • *Lifetime access means you’ll have access for as long as this program exists and we have no plans of stopping!
Billy Gene Is Marketing Inc.
1133 Columbia St. #102 San Diego, CA 92101
Powered By ClickFunnels.com